Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chapter 10: Is this the end?

Everything is now told in Aaron's point of view!

My beautiful wife is pregnant! I can not wait until my child comes into this world!

That afternoon I get a call from my brother, Aiden, who I haven't spoken to in ages, and he congratulated us!

I peek into the bedroom around 2 and I see Jaimie passed out on the bed. She must be exhausted.

When I got home from work that day, Jaimie told me a story about what happened at the park.
She apparently met this nice lady named Natalia West who had a cute toddler.

But while she was talking to her, Zelda Mae died! Right in front of everyone!

"That sounds terrible!", I said. 

But she still had the chance to brag that she is pregnant!(:

Look at her stomach! She is HUGE! I never knew that people got that big when they were pregnant.

The next night, Jaimie went into labor. I of course was freaking out, but she was very calm and just made the bed.

But then, the pain hit!

I didn't want to see anything happen so I just went back to bed, that way she could have the baby without me freaking out or fainting.

But then, after all the pain, she welcomed a beautiful boy. We named him Bentley Pierce(:

As soon as she gave birth to him, she placed him in his crib and passed out.

I cannot believe that he is my son..He is too gorgeous to be my son.

We did it babe.<3

The next day while Jaimie was at the park, a fire started. It was only me and Bentley home and I did not know what to do!

I tried using the fire extinguisher but it didn't work very well.

Oh no, what am I going to do?

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment and follow(:


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